A Few words About Purpose

Purpose officially began its ministry in July of 2011, and since its inception, the Lord has blessed Purpose by opening many doors, as well as expanding the group’s territory of travel.

In 2017, Purpose had its first radio release with a song entitled “Trust Him,” written by one of the group’s members. “Trust Him” was their first song to break into the Singing News national chart. This was followed by other songs such as “Never Be the Same," "Ask Bartimaeus", "My God is Still Able", "I've Just Touched Jesus", and "Take Me to His Throne."

The members of Purpose think of themselves more than just a singing group, but they define themselves as an evangelistic team. No matter what kind of stage they are on or no matter how many people are in the audience, the message of what the Lord has done does not change.

The members, Byron Gann, Paula McDougle & Tim Williams, have all been singing and playing gospel music most all of their lives, and each has a passion for sharing the gospel through the ministry of Purpose.